Interactive Quantum Mechanics von Siegmund Brandt | ISBN 9780387216539

Interactive Quantum Mechanics

von Siegmund Brandt, Hans D. Dahmen und T. Stroh
Autor / AutorinSiegmund Brandt
Autor / AutorinHans D. Dahmen
Autor / AutorinT. Stroh
Buchcover Interactive Quantum Mechanics | Siegmund Brandt | EAN 9780387216539 | ISBN 0-387-21653-7 | ISBN 978-0-387-21653-9

From the reviews:

„This book is an improved and generalized version of the previous and well succeeded “The Picture Book of Quantum Mechanics” by S. Brandt and H. D. Dahmen (Springer, New York). It is probably the most attractive, updated, and easy-to-follow method for learning basic quantum mechanics (QM) in all literature. The reader has so many tools at his/her hands, that I cannot imagine a better way to learn this important but abstract field of modern physics.„ (Zentralblatt Mathematik 1038.81002.

“This book is an improved and generalized version of the previous and well succeeded ‘The Picture Book of Quantum Mechanics’ … . It is probably the most attractive, updated, and easy-to-follow method for learning basic quantum mechanics (QM) in all literature. … this book should be understood as a very useful (almost indispensable) support in standard courses on QM. … a book that certainly will influence the learning of many students all around the world in a very constructive manner.„ (Adonai S. Sant’Anna, Zentralblatt MATH, Vol. 1038 (13), 2004)

“Interactive Quantum Mechanics under Java presents the most up-to-date approach to elementary quantum mechanics. Based on the interactive program INTERQUANTA … and its extensive 3D color graphic features, the book guides its readers through computer experiments on free particles and wave packets, bound states in various potentials, coherent and squeezed states in time-independent motion, scattering and resonances, analogies in optics … . A realm for everybody who wants to work on quantum mechanical problems.„ (Revista Espanola de Fisica, Vol. 17 (6), 2003)

“Several books on quantum mechanics have been sold with a CD-ROM containing demonstrations of solutions of standard equations. Most of the time, they do not offer the possibility of playing with the parameters of the problems. The present book is probably one of the first to fill this gap and to present a reallyinteractive tool for solving basic quantum problems. … the authors have really done some achievement in the domain of truly interactive programs for quantum mechanics.„ (Joseph Cugnon, Physicalia, Vol. 57 (3), 2005)

“Several recent undergraduate texts on quantum mechanics have included disks demonstrating the solutions of standard problems. These generally have a modest capability for the student to ‘play with the parameters’, but there has been nothing more radically interactive. This book is the first (so far as I know) to fill this gap. … contains much useful material, and the authors are to be congratulated on having produced something rather novel that is so user friendly. … a major resource for both students and teachers." (Ian Aitchison, Cern Courier/Courrier Cern, International Journal of High Energy Physics, March, 2004)

Interactive Quantum Mechanics

von Siegmund Brandt, Hans D. Dahmen und T. Stroh
Autor / AutorinSiegmund Brandt
Autor / AutorinHans D. Dahmen
Autor / AutorinT. Stroh

Interactive Quantum Mechanics under Java presents the most up-to-date approach to elementary quantum mechanics. Based on the interactive program INTERQUANTA (included on a CD-ROM and ready to run under the WINDOWS, LINUX and MACINTOSH operating systems) and its extensive 3D color graphic features, the book guides its readers through computer experiments on free particles and wave packets, bound states in various potentials, coherent and squeezed states in time-dependent motion, scattering and resonances, analogies in optics, quantized angular momentum, distinguishable and indistinguishable particles, special functions of mathematical physics. A realm for everybody who wants to work on quantum mechanical problems.