Political Theology II von Carl Schmitt | The Myth of the Closure of any Political Theology | ISBN 9780745697109

Political Theology II

The Myth of the Closure of any Political Theology

von Carl Schmitt, übersetzt von Michael Hoelzl und Graham Ward
Autor / AutorinCarl Schmitt
Übersetzt vonMichael Hoelzl
Übersetzt vonGraham Ward
Buchcover Political Theology II | Carl Schmitt | EAN 9780745697109 | ISBN 0-7456-9710-0 | ISBN 978-0-7456-9710-9

Political Theology II

The Myth of the Closure of any Political Theology

von Carl Schmitt, übersetzt von Michael Hoelzl und Graham Ward
Autor / AutorinCarl Schmitt
Übersetzt vonMichael Hoelzl
Übersetzt vonGraham Ward
Political Theology II is Carl Schmitt's last book. Part polemic, part self-vindication for his involvement in the National Socialist German Workers' Party (NSDAP), this is Schmitt's most theological reflection on Christianity and its concept of sovereignty following the Second Vatican Council. At a time of increasing visibility of religion in public debates and a realization that Schmitt is the major and most controversial political theorist of the twentieth century, this last book sets a new agenda for political theology today. The crisis at the beginning of the twenty-first century led to an increased interest in the study of crises in an age of extremes - an age upon which Carl Schmitt left his indelible watermark. In Political Theology II, first published in 1970, a long journey comes to an end which began in 1923 with Political Theology. This translation makes available for the first time to the English-speaking world Schmitt's understanding of Political Theology and what it implies theologically and politically.