Politics in Private von A. Muxel | Love and Convictions in the French Political Consciousness | ISBN 9781137395597

Politics in Private

Love and Convictions in the French Political Consciousness

von A. Muxel, übersetzt von Kenneth A. Loparo
Buchcover Politics in Private | A. Muxel | EAN 9781137395597 | ISBN 1-137-39559-1 | ISBN 978-1-137-39559-7

Politics in Private

Love and Convictions in the French Political Consciousness

von A. Muxel, übersetzt von Kenneth A. Loparo
Have you ever fallen out with someone close to you over your political ideas or convictions or felt that a personal relationship was damaged because you disagreed about politics? There is no more interesting or diverse country than France to study how our political opinions influence the variety of relationships we engage in throughout our lifetimes. Using a unique approach, Anne Muxel offers a compelling account of the role our political opinions play in all our lives, whether those opinions are held strongly or not. She looks at the bonds between parents and children, brothers and sisters, husbands and wives, friends and colleagues, crossing the full spectrum of human relationships to reveal a brilliantly complex portrait of how politics and the emotions intersect. This book is a must, not just for readers interested in France and in politics but also for all those interested in the complexity of human relationships.