British Historical Facts: 1688-1760 von Chris Cook | ISBN 9781349023691

British Historical Facts: 1688-1760

von Chris Cook und John Stevenson
Autor / AutorinChris Cook
Autor / AutorinJohn Stevenson
Buchcover British Historical Facts: 1688-1760 | Chris Cook | EAN 9781349023691 | ISBN 1-349-02369-8 | ISBN 978-1-349-02369-1

British Historical Facts: 1688-1760

von Chris Cook und John Stevenson
Autor / AutorinChris Cook
Autor / AutorinJohn Stevenson
The latest volume in this series covers the period in British history from the Glorious Revolution of 1688 to the accession of George III in 1760. Chapters are included on administration, ministerial biographies, Parliament, defence and treaties, and the expansion of the Empire.