Quantum Mechanics on the Macintosh® von Siegmund Brandt | ISBN 9781468404180

Quantum Mechanics on the Macintosh®

von Siegmund Brandt und Hans D. Dahmen
Autor / AutorinSiegmund Brandt
Autor / AutorinHans D. Dahmen
Buchcover Quantum Mechanics on the Macintosh® | Siegmund Brandt | EAN 9781468404180 | ISBN 1-4684-0418-0 | ISBN 978-1-4684-0418-0

Quantum Mechanics on the Macintosh®

von Siegmund Brandt und Hans D. Dahmen
Autor / AutorinSiegmund Brandt
Autor / AutorinHans D. Dahmen

Based on the interactive program Interquanta, Quantum Mechanics on the Macintosh , uses extensive 3-D graph- ics to guide the student through computer experiments in the quantum mechanics of free particle motion, bound states and scattering, tunneling, two-particle interactions, and more. It also includes a section on special functions of mathematical physics. With more than 200 problems, the text and programs provide students with practical experiences in using such hard-to-visualize concepts as complex amplitudes, eigenvalues, and scattering cross sections. The diskettes included with the book provide two versions of the programs, one for use in computers with a mathematical coprocessor, the other optimized for machines without a coprocessor.