Positive CBT von Fredrike Beck | Individual and Group Treatment Protocols for Positive Cognitive Behavioral Therapy | ISBN 9781616765781

Positive CBT

Individual and Group Treatment Protocols for Positive Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

von Fredrike Beck und Nicole Geschwind
Autor / AutorinFredrike Beck
Autor / AutorinNicole Geschwind
Buchcover Positive CBT | Fredrike Beck | EAN 9781616765781 | ISBN 1-61676-578-X | ISBN 978-1-61676-578-1
Clinical psychologists, psychiatrists, psychotherapists, counselors, coaches, and educationalists, as well as students.

Positive CBT

Individual and Group Treatment Protocols for Positive Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

von Fredrike Beck und Nicole Geschwind
Autor / AutorinFredrike Beck
Autor / AutorinNicole Geschwind
Positive CBT integrates positive psychology and solution-focused brief therapy within a cognitive-behavioral framework. It focuses not on reducing what is wrong, but on building what is right. This fourth wave of CBT, developed by Fredrike Bannink, is now being applied worldwide for various psychological disorders. After an introductory chapter exploring the three approaches incorporated in positive CBT, the research into the individual treatment protocol for use with clients with depression by Nicole Geschwind and her colleagues at Maastricht University is presented. The two 8-session treatment protocols provide practitioners with a step-by-step guide on how to apply positive CBT with individual clients and groups. This approach goes beyond simply symptom reduction and instead focuses on the client’s desired future, on finding exceptions to problems and identifying competencies. Topics such as self-compassion, optimism, gratitude, and behavior maintenance are explored. In addition to the protocols, two workbooks for clients are available online for download by practitioners.