Principles of Digital Image Processing von Wilhelm Burger | Advanced Methods | ISBN 9781848829190

Principles of Digital Image Processing

Advanced Methods

von Wilhelm Burger und Mark J. Burge
Autor / AutorinWilhelm Burger
Autor / AutorinMark J. Burge
Buchcover Principles of Digital Image Processing | Wilhelm Burger | EAN 9781848829190 | ISBN 1-84882-919-1 | ISBN 978-1-84882-919-0

From the reviews:

“The book is well written. The English is clear. The background for the algorithms are clearly explained. … This book does a good job of describing the advanced topics. The narrative discusses the implementation of the algorithms. The topics are deliberately described with the goal of explaining the material to an advanced level reader … . it has many good elements and is worth considering for reference or for a course.” (Elisa H. Barney Smith, IAPR Newsletter, Vol. 36 (2), April, 2014)

Principles of Digital Image Processing

Advanced Methods

von Wilhelm Burger und Mark J. Burge
Autor / AutorinWilhelm Burger
Autor / AutorinMark J. Burge
This textbook is the third of three volumes which provide a modern, algorithmic introduction to digital image processing, designed to be used both by learners desiring a firm foundation on which to build, and practitioners in search of critical analysis and concrete implementations of the most important techniques. This volume builds upon the introductory material presented in the first two volumes with additional key concepts and methods in image processing. Features: practical examples and carefully constructed chapter-ending exercises; real implementations, concise mathematical notation, and precise algorithmic descriptions designed for programmers and practitioners; easily adaptable Java code and completely worked-out examples for easy inclusion in existing applications; uses ImageJ; provides a supplementary website with the complete Java source code, test images, and corrections; additional presentation tools for instructors including a complete set of figures, tables, and mathematical elements.