River.Space.Design von Martin Prominski | Planning Strategies, Methods and Projects for Urban Rivers Third and Enlarged Edition | ISBN 9783035625271


Planning Strategies, Methods and Projects for Urban Rivers Third and Enlarged Edition

von Martin Prominski und weiteren
Autor / AutorinMartin Prominski
Autor / AutorinAntje Stokman
Autor / AutorinDaniel Stimberg
Autor / AutorinHinnerk Voermanek
Autor / AutorinSusanne Zeller
Autor / AutorinKatarina Bajc
Autor / AutorinNengshi Zheng
Buchcover River.Space.Design | Martin Prominski | EAN 9783035625271 | ISBN 3-0356-2527-1 | ISBN 978-3-0356-2527-1
„With its clear language and impeccable organization and design, River. Space. Design. serves not only as a great resource for design ideas and examples, but also as a challenge to how we consider rivers in an urban context [...] In the book’s introduction, the author writes, ›What has been lacking up to date is an overview that presents the wide diversity of design possibilities for urban river spaces in a systematic and transferable way. This book aims to fill this gap and serve as a primer and reference for designers of urban spaces.‹ River. Space. Design. is absolutely successful in this regard and will hopefully inspire designers to find ways new ways to engage their community’s rivers.“In: http://dirt. asla. org/2013/01/16/rethinking-our-relationship-with-rivers/


Planning Strategies, Methods and Projects for Urban Rivers Third and Enlarged Edition

von Martin Prominski und weiteren
Autor / AutorinMartin Prominski
Autor / AutorinAntje Stokman
Autor / AutorinDaniel Stimberg
Autor / AutorinHinnerk Voermanek
Autor / AutorinSusanne Zeller
Autor / AutorinKatarina Bajc
Autor / AutorinNengshi Zheng

Urban riverbanks are attractive locations and highly prized recreational environments. However, they must meet the requirements of flood control, open space design and ecology at the same time, often a challenging task for the designer in very confined spaces. The book, the result of a study lasting several years, subjects more than 60 exemplary projects to a comparative analysis. The result is a systematic catalogue of strategies and innovative design tools. The designer and planner thus obtains an overview of the range of design possibilities.
Eight new case studies from China, Italy, New Zealand, the Netherlands, Germany and Switzerland were selected and added for the enlarged edition of this reference work on riverbank design.