Micro Process Engineering - Explained von Roland Dittmeyer | Fundamentals, Devices, Applications | ISBN 9783110266351

Micro Process Engineering - Explained

Fundamentals, Devices, Applications

von Roland Dittmeyer, Peter Pfeifer, Jürgen Brandner und Manfred Kraut
Autor / AutorinRoland Dittmeyer
Autor / AutorinPeter Pfeifer
Autor / AutorinJürgen Brandner
Autor / AutorinManfred Kraut
Buchcover Micro Process Engineering - Explained | Roland Dittmeyer | EAN 9783110266351 | ISBN 3-11-026635-0 | ISBN 978-3-11-026635-1

Micro Process Engineering - Explained

Fundamentals, Devices, Applications

von Roland Dittmeyer, Peter Pfeifer, Jürgen Brandner und Manfred Kraut
Autor / AutorinRoland Dittmeyer
Autor / AutorinPeter Pfeifer
Autor / AutorinJürgen Brandner
Autor / AutorinManfred Kraut
Micro Process Engineering - an emerging field with high potential for significant improvement of process efficiency (both energy and materials utilization) often subsumed as „process intensification“. The idea is to use microfabrication technologies to create continuous flow systems with excellent heat and mass transport performance that enable more efficient unit operations through more precise control of the process conditions as well as the integration of different functions into compact, safe, and scalable systems for flexible future chemical production technologies.