Elizabethan Translation and Literary Culture | ISBN 9783110316209

Elizabethan Translation and Literary Culture

herausgegeben von Gabriela Schmidt
Buchcover Elizabethan Translation and Literary Culture  | EAN 9783110316209 | ISBN 3-11-031620-X | ISBN 978-3-11-031620-9

Elizabethan Translation and Literary Culture

herausgegeben von Gabriela Schmidt
Reversing F. O. Matthiessen's famous description of translation as “an Elizabethan art”, Elizabethan literature may well be considered “an art of translation”. Amidst a climate of intense intercultural and intertextual exchange, the cultural figure of translatio studii had become a formative concept in most European vernacular writing of the period. However, due to the comparatively marginal status of English in European literary culture, it was above all translation in the literal sense that became the dominant mode of applying this concept in late 16th-century England. Translations into English were not only produced on an unprecedented scale, they also became a key site for critical debate where contemporary discussions about authorship, style, and the development of a specifically English literary identity converged. The essays in this volume set out to explore Elizabethan translation as a literary practice and as a crucial influence on English literature. They analyse the competitive balancing of voices and authorities found in these texts and examine the ways in which both translated models and English literary culture were creatively transformed in the process of appropriation.