Chaotic Secure Communication von Kehui Sun | Principles and Technologies | ISBN 9783110434064

Chaotic Secure Communication

Principles and Technologies

von Kehui Sun
Autor / AutorinKehui Sun
Beiträge vonTsinghua University Press
Buchcover Chaotic Secure Communication | Kehui Sun | EAN 9783110434064 | ISBN 3-11-043406-7 | ISBN 978-3-11-043406-4

Chaotic Secure Communication

Principles and Technologies

von Kehui Sun
Autor / AutorinKehui Sun
Beiträge vonTsinghua University Press
The monograph begins with a systematic introduction of chaos and chaos synchronization, and then extends to the methodologies and technologies in secure communication system design and implementation. The author combines theoretical frameworks with empirical studies, making the book a pratical reference for both academics and industrial engineers.