Big Data in Medical Science and Healthcare Management | Diagnosis, Therapy, Side Effects | ISBN 9783110445381

Big Data in Medical Science and Healthcare Management

Diagnosis, Therapy, Side Effects

herausgegeben von Peter Langkafel
Buchcover Big Data in Medical Science and Healthcare Management  | EAN 9783110445381 | ISBN 3-11-044538-7 | ISBN 978-3-11-044538-1

Big Data in Medical Science and Healthcare Management

Diagnosis, Therapy, Side Effects

herausgegeben von Peter Langkafel
Big Data is about the collection, storage, search, distribution, statistical analysis and visualization of large amounts of data. This is especially relevant in healthcare management, as the amount of digital information is growing exponentially and can only be handled with IT technologies. This book provides the new possibilities of networked data analysis and Big Data – for and within medical science and healthcare management.