Pregnancy and Obesity | ISBN 9783110486353

Pregnancy and Obesity

herausgegeben von Cynthia Maxwell und Dan Farine
Herausgegeben vonCynthia Maxwell
Herausgegeben vonDan Farine
Buchcover Pregnancy and Obesity  | EAN 9783110486353 | ISBN 3-11-048635-0 | ISBN 978-3-11-048635-3

Pregnancy and Obesity

herausgegeben von Cynthia Maxwell und Dan Farine
Herausgegeben vonCynthia Maxwell
Herausgegeben vonDan Farine

Obesity epidemic is a global problem of the 21th century for women in reproductive age and also the obstetricians and pediatricians. There are influences of mother's prepragnancy and antepartal obesity, at delivery, for fetal programming and for maternal and fetal lifelong metabolism. The epidemiological results are important, but for the health care providers the skills for prevention of mother's obesity with all consequences are essential. Evaluated programms in nutrition and physical activity will be discussed.