Resource-Efficient Artificial Intelligence von Nico Piatkowski | Probabilistic Machine Learning on Ultra-Low-Power Systems | ISBN 9783110721065

Resource-Efficient Artificial Intelligence

Probabilistic Machine Learning on Ultra-Low-Power Systems

von Nico Piatkowski
Buchcover Resource-Efficient Artificial Intelligence | Nico Piatkowski | EAN 9783110721065 | ISBN 3-11-072106-6 | ISBN 978-3-11-072106-5

Resource-Efficient Artificial Intelligence

Probabilistic Machine Learning on Ultra-Low-Power Systems

von Nico Piatkowski

For all autonomous devices the development of resource-aware machine learning techniques is required to reduce the tremendous resource consumption. This work provides theoretical and practical building blocks to bring full-fledged machine learning pipelines to systems with very low computational power or highly restricted energy supply. The presentation of theoretical methods is accompanied by actual learning results on ultra-low-power hardware.