Martin Heidegger von Peter Trawny | Eine kritische Einführung | ISBN 9783465142614

Martin Heidegger

Eine kritische Einführung

von Peter Trawny
Buchcover Martin Heidegger | Peter Trawny | EAN 9783465142614 | ISBN 3-465-14261-6 | ISBN 978-3-465-14261-4
Philosophen, Philosophiestudenten, allgemein an Philosophie, Ideen- und Zeitgeschichte interessiertes Publikum

Martin Heidegger

Eine kritische Einführung

von Peter Trawny
Writing an introduction to the philosophy of Martin Heidegger after the publication of the “Black Notebooks” is a daring venture. Heidegger's statements about „world Jewry“ and his political stubbornness after the Second World War seriously incriminate his thinking. How can one go about introducing the reader into this philosophy without at the same time laying the ground on which these unacceptable ideas can grow? Peter Trawny´s critical introduction is conceived as a representation precisely of the problematic aspects of Heidegger's thinking. At the same time, though, it clearly points out its extraordinary importance in the context of 20th century philosophy.