Physics of Atomic Nuclei von Vladimir Zelevinsky | ISBN 9783527693634

Physics of Atomic Nuclei

von Vladimir Zelevinsky und Alexander Volya
Autor / AutorinVladimir Zelevinsky
Autor / AutorinAlexander Volya
Buchcover Physics of Atomic Nuclei | Vladimir Zelevinsky | EAN 9783527693634 | ISBN 3-527-69363-7 | ISBN 978-3-527-69363-4

Physics of Atomic Nuclei

von Vladimir Zelevinsky und Alexander Volya
Autor / AutorinVladimir Zelevinsky
Autor / AutorinAlexander Volya
This advanced textbook presents an extensive and diverse study of low-energy nuclear physics considering the nucleus as a quantum system of strongly interacting constituents.
The contents guide students from the basic facts and ideas to more modern topics including important developments over the last 20 years, resulting in a comprehensive collection of major modern-day nuclear models otherwise unavailable in the current literature. The book emphasizes the common features of the nucleus and other many-body mesoscopic systems currently in the center of interest in physics. The authors have also included full problem sets that can be selected by lecturers and adjusted to specific interests for more advanced students, with many chapters containing links to freely available computer code. As a result, readers are equipped for scientific work in mesoscopic physics.