Efficient Structures for Geometric Data Management von Oliver Günther | ISBN 9783540460077

Efficient Structures for Geometric Data Management

von Oliver Günther
Buchcover Efficient Structures for Geometric Data Management | Oliver Günther | EAN 9783540460077 | ISBN 3-540-46007-1 | ISBN 978-3-540-46007-7

Efficient Structures for Geometric Data Management

von Oliver Günther
The efficient management of geometric data, such as points, curves, or polyhedra in arbitrary dimensions, is of great importance in many complex database applications like CAD/CAM, robotics, or computer vision. To provide optimal support for geometric operations, it is crucial to choose efficient data representation schemes. The first part of this book contains a taxonomy and critical survey of common operations and representation schemes for geometric data. Then several new schemes for the efficient support of set operations (union, intersection) and search operations (point location, range search) are presented.