The Influence of Level of Extroversion, Locus of Control and Gender on Listening and Reading Proficiency in Second Language Acquisition von Magdalena Trinder | ISBN 9783631734551

The Influence of Level of Extroversion, Locus of Control and Gender on Listening and Reading Proficiency in Second Language Acquisition

von Magdalena Trinder
Buchcover The Influence of Level of Extroversion, Locus of Control and Gender on Listening and Reading Proficiency in Second Language Acquisition | Magdalena Trinder | EAN 9783631734551 | ISBN 3-631-73455-7 | ISBN 978-3-631-73455-1

The Influence of Level of Extroversion, Locus of Control and Gender on Listening and Reading Proficiency in Second Language Acquisition

von Magdalena Trinder

This book is an investigation into the correlation between level of extroversion, orientation of locus of control and gender. Level of extroversion and gender are widely recognised as key factors influencing the process of Second Language Acquisition, although there remains much debate as to the nature of this influence. Locus of Control has equally been identified as a key predictor of success in academic learning. Taking these points into consideration, the authors analyze the correlation between these three key factors and success in reading and listening on students of English at the university level. The investigation includes both a quantitative analysis and qualitative explanatory interviews.