A Trajectory Description of Quantum Processes. II. Applications von Ángel S. Sanz | A Bohmian Perspective | ISBN 9783642179747

A Trajectory Description of Quantum Processes. II. Applications

A Bohmian Perspective

von Ángel S. Sanz und Salvador Miret-Artés
Autor / AutorinÁngel S. Sanz
Autor / AutorinSalvador Miret-Artés
Buchcover A Trajectory Description of Quantum Processes. II. Applications | Ángel S. Sanz | EAN 9783642179747 | ISBN 3-642-17974-6 | ISBN 978-3-642-17974-7

A Trajectory Description of Quantum Processes. II. Applications

A Bohmian Perspective

von Ángel S. Sanz und Salvador Miret-Artés
Autor / AutorinÁngel S. Sanz
Autor / AutorinSalvador Miret-Artés
Trajectory-based formalisms are an intuitively appealing way of describing quantum processes because they allow the use of „classical“ concepts. Beginning as an introductory level suitable for students, this two-volume monograph presents (1) the fundamentals and (2) the applications of the trajectory description of basic quantum processes. This second volume is focussed on simple and basic applications of quantum processes such as interference and diffraction of wave packets, tunneling, diffusion and bound-state and scattering problems. The corresponding analysis is carried out within the Bohmian framework. By stressing its interpretational aspects, the book leads the reader to an alternative and complementary way to better understand the underlying quantum dynamics.