Late Sequelae in Oncology | ISBN 9783642467943

Late Sequelae in Oncology

Vorwort von L.W. Brady und Vorwort von H.-P. Heilmann, herausgegeben von Jürgen Dunst und Rolf Sauer
Herausgegeben vonJürgen Dunst
Vorwort vonL.W. Brady
Herausgegeben vonRolf Sauer
Vorwort vonH.-P. Heilmann
Buchcover Late Sequelae in Oncology  | EAN 9783642467943 | ISBN 3-642-46794-6 | ISBN 978-3-642-46794-3

Late Sequelae in Oncology

Vorwort von L.W. Brady und Vorwort von H.-P. Heilmann, herausgegeben von Jürgen Dunst und Rolf Sauer
Herausgegeben vonJürgen Dunst
Vorwort vonL.W. Brady
Herausgegeben vonRolf Sauer
Vorwort vonH.-P. Heilmann

Increasing survival figures and the use of more intense combined treatment regimens in modern oncology have raised the problem of late therapeutic sequelae in long-term survivors after cancer. Recent scientific approaches to late sequelae concentrate on the evaluation of subclinical changes with sophisticated functional measurements and experimental investigation of the underlying pathophysiological mechanisms.
The objective of the book is to bring together these recent clinical and experimental data from different medical disciplines to give an overview of the most relevant problems of late sequelae. In clinical practice the book may help regarding estimation of risks, selection of diagnostic methods, and estimation of the prognosis of late sequelae.