The Molecular Biology of Adenoviruses 3 | 30 Years of Adenovirus Research 1953–1983 | ISBN 9783642695490

The Molecular Biology of Adenoviruses 3

30 Years of Adenovirus Research 1953–1983

herausgegeben von W. Doerfler
Buchcover The Molecular Biology of Adenoviruses 3  | EAN 9783642695490 | ISBN 3-642-69549-3 | ISBN 978-3-642-69549-0

The Molecular Biology of Adenoviruses 3

30 Years of Adenovirus Research 1953–1983

herausgegeben von W. Doerfler


  • Genetic Analysis of Adenoviruses.
  • Adenovirus DNA Replication.
  • A Study of Viral Genomes in Cells Transformed by the Nononcogenic Human Adenovirus Type 5 and Highly Oncogenic Bovine Adenovirus Type 3.
  • Early and Late Proteins of Adenovirus Type 12: Translation Mapping with RNA Isolated from Infected and Transformed Cells.