Agrarian Science for Sustainable Resource Management in Sub-Saharan Africa | ISBN 9783653020816

Agrarian Science for Sustainable Resource Management in Sub-Saharan Africa

herausgegeben von George Ouma, Franz-Theo Gottwald und Isabel Boergen
Herausgegeben vonGeorge Ouma
Herausgegeben vonFranz-Theo Gottwald
Herausgegeben vonIsabel Boergen
Buchcover Agrarian Science for Sustainable Resource Management in Sub-Saharan Africa  | EAN 9783653020816 | ISBN 3-653-02081-6 | ISBN 978-3-653-02081-6

Agrarian Science for Sustainable Resource Management in Sub-Saharan Africa

herausgegeben von George Ouma, Franz-Theo Gottwald und Isabel Boergen
Herausgegeben vonGeorge Ouma
Herausgegeben vonFranz-Theo Gottwald
Herausgegeben vonIsabel Boergen
The livelihood of the world’s population depends mostly on natural resources: land, forest, water and the air we breath. The continual degradation and diminution of these resources due to the cultivation of land threatens the economic and social security of individuals, communities and countries as well as the intricate web of ecological, social, economic and cultural relations that bind the global community together. To be productive, our resources must be managed properly, enriched and harvested responsibly.