Alternative Evangelicals von Iemima Ploscariu | Challenging Nationalism in Interwar Romania’s Multi-ethnic Borderlands | ISBN 9783657796687

Alternative Evangelicals

Challenging Nationalism in Interwar Romania’s Multi-ethnic Borderlands

von Iemima Ploscariu
Buchcover Alternative Evangelicals | Iemima Ploscariu | EAN 9783657796687 | ISBN 3-657-79668-1 | ISBN 978-3-657-79668-7

Alternative Evangelicals

Challenging Nationalism in Interwar Romania’s Multi-ethnic Borderlands

von Iemima Ploscariu
Evangelicals in interwar Romania were a vibrant mix of ethnicities, languages, and social statuses. Jews, Roma, Germans, Hungarians, Serbs, Ukrainians, and Russians sang, prayed, and preached in their native languages. Romanian statesmen perceived them as a danger for the construction of a strong post-WWI national identity. The lived religion of interwar Romanian evangelicals and their struggle through music for legitimacy demonstrates the close ties between national self-understanding and religion. The diverse groups of Romanian evangelicals reveal how minorities in 20th century Europe challenged established religious concepts and constructed their new identities.