Price and Product-Mix Decisions Under Different Cost Systems von Philipp Plank | ISBN 9783658193218

Price and Product-Mix Decisions Under Different Cost Systems

von Philipp Plank
Buchcover Price and Product-Mix Decisions Under Different Cost Systems | Philipp Plank | EAN 9783658193218 | ISBN 3-658-19321-2 | ISBN 978-3-658-19321-8

Price and Product-Mix Decisions Under Different Cost Systems

von Philipp Plank

Philipp Plank analyses the question, what drives the quality of cost-systems and is the quality of cost-systems directly and at best positively related to the firms’ performance. In other words, is it worth investing in complex cost allocation systems or are there environmental and/or production settings in which less enhanced systems perform adequately. Using simulations, a benchmark firm (first-best solution) perfectly allocating cost to products is compared to firms implementing heuristic cost-allocation schemes (second-best solution) to identify the profit gap resulting from decisions based on limited information. Into this discussion, the idea of cost-stickiness is integrated, thereby indicating a new planning approach.