Lifelong Employability von Philippa Dengler | Thriving in an Ageing Society | ISBN 9783658246242

Lifelong Employability

Thriving in an Ageing Society

von Philippa Dengler
Buchcover Lifelong Employability | Philippa Dengler | EAN 9783658246242 | ISBN 3-658-24624-3 | ISBN 978-3-658-24624-2

Lifelong Employability

Thriving in an Ageing Society

von Philippa Dengler
Increased longevity means that current structures for employment and retirement in Switzerland are not sustainable. To enable individuals and companies to thrive in our ageing society, changes in our social norms and attitudes about work and ageing need to occur. Philippa Dengler examines what these changes are, and what companies can do to support their employees to take control of their individual employability for a longer life. The practical implications benefit individuals, the companies they work for, and society as a whole.