Globalization, Economic Growth and Innovation Dynamics von Paul J.J. Welfens | ISBN 9783662038130

Globalization, Economic Growth and Innovation Dynamics

von Paul J.J. Welfens, John T. Addison, David B. Audretsch, Thomas Gries und Hariolf Grupp
Unterstützt vonS. Jungbluth
Autor / AutorinPaul J.J. Welfens
Unterstützt vonH. Meyer
Autor / AutorinJohn T. Addison
Autor / AutorinDavid B. Audretsch
Autor / AutorinThomas Gries
Autor / AutorinHariolf Grupp
Buchcover Globalization, Economic Growth and Innovation Dynamics | Paul J.J. Welfens | EAN 9783662038130 | ISBN 3-662-03813-7 | ISBN 978-3-662-03813-0
"All in all the book 'Globalization, Economic Growth and Innovation Dynamics' gives an excellent overview about the problems which countries - not only in Europe - have to face in a more and more globalized world." Dr. Indira Gurbaxani, Comptes Rendus

Globalization, Economic Growth and Innovation Dynamics

von Paul J.J. Welfens, John T. Addison, David B. Audretsch, Thomas Gries und Hariolf Grupp
Unterstützt vonS. Jungbluth
Autor / AutorinPaul J.J. Welfens
Unterstützt vonH. Meyer
Autor / AutorinJohn T. Addison
Autor / AutorinDavid B. Audretsch
Autor / AutorinThomas Gries
Autor / AutorinHariolf Grupp
In the new global economy, more countries have opened up to international competition and rapid capital flows. However, in the triad the process of globalization is rather asymmetric. With a rising role of multinational companies there are favorable prospects for higher global growth and economic catching-up, respectively. Theoretical analysis suggests key ingredients of sustained growth, but there is also a new concept of a long-term equilibrium income gap in which convergence is rather unlikely. The analysis also picks up European and US labor market issues in the context of economic globalization and raises the question of which EU policies in the field of labor market reform and of innovation policies are adequate.