Energy, Environment and Sustainable Development | ISBN 9783709101094

Energy, Environment and Sustainable Development

herausgegeben von Mohammad Aslam Uqaili und Khanji Harijan
Herausgegeben vonMohammad Aslam Uqaili
Herausgegeben vonKhanji Harijan
Buchcover Energy, Environment and Sustainable Development  | EAN 9783709101094 | ISBN 3-7091-0109-3 | ISBN 978-3-7091-0109-4

Energy, Environment and Sustainable Development

herausgegeben von Mohammad Aslam Uqaili und Khanji Harijan
Herausgegeben vonMohammad Aslam Uqaili
Herausgegeben vonKhanji Harijan

New information and strategies for managing the energy crisis from the perspective of growing economies are presented. Numerous case studies illustrate the particular challenges that developing countries, many of which are faced with insufficient resources, encounter. As a result, many unique strategies to the problems of energy management an conservation, environmental engineering, clean technologies, biological and chemical waste treatment and waste management have been developed.