Transport Mechanisms of Tryptophan in Blood Cells, Nerve Cells, and at the Blood-Brain Barrier | Proceedings of the International Symposium, Prilly/Lausanne, Switzerland, July 6–7, 1978 | ISBN 9783709122433

Transport Mechanisms of Tryptophan in Blood Cells, Nerve Cells, and at the Blood-Brain Barrier

Proceedings of the International Symposium, Prilly/Lausanne, Switzerland, July 6–7, 1978

herausgegeben von Pierre Baumann
Buchcover Transport Mechanisms of Tryptophan in Blood Cells, Nerve Cells, and at the Blood-Brain Barrier  | EAN 9783709122433 | ISBN 3-7091-2243-0 | ISBN 978-3-7091-2243-3

Transport Mechanisms of Tryptophan in Blood Cells, Nerve Cells, and at the Blood-Brain Barrier

Proceedings of the International Symposium, Prilly/Lausanne, Switzerland, July 6–7, 1978

herausgegeben von Pierre Baumann
X, 240 p. 3 illus.