Building Projects in China von Bert Bielefeld | A Manual for Architects and Engineers | ISBN 9783764379056

Building Projects in China

A Manual for Architects and Engineers

von Bert Bielefeld und Lars-Phillip Rusch
Autor / AutorinBert Bielefeld
Autor / AutorinLars-Phillip Rusch
Buchcover Building Projects in China | Bert Bielefeld | EAN 9783764379056 | ISBN 3-7643-7905-7 | ISBN 978-3-7643-7905-6

Building Projects in China

A Manual for Architects and Engineers

von Bert Bielefeld und Lars-Phillip Rusch
Autor / AutorinBert Bielefeld
Autor / AutorinLars-Phillip Rusch

Building Projects in China is the first publication on the book market to give a comprehensive overview of the planning activities of foreign architects in China. This practical handbook outlines legal framework conditions, introduces the Chinese building market, and gives practical descriptions of the execution of projects on site. To complete the picture, international planning firms share their experience on projects of the most various sizes and types in China. What makes projects in China so challenging is the tension between the traditional, historical planning environment of an Asian big city and a modernity that is in many ways already ahead of the Western world.

Interest in the Chinese building and planning market has been steadily growing for many years. Now, for the first time, a repository of knowledge as exhaustively researched as this one is finally available.