Über Aristoteles von Franz Brentano | Nachgelassene Aufsätze | ISBN 9783787325894

Über Aristoteles

Nachgelassene Aufsätze

von Franz Brentano, herausgegeben von Rolf George
Buchcover Über Aristoteles | Franz Brentano | EAN 9783787325894 | ISBN 3-7873-2589-1 | ISBN 978-3-7873-2589-4

»And the ›Nachlaß‹ is, in any event, both interesting and valuable. It is valuable for the wise scholarschip and intelligent philosophy which it brings to many passages, small and great, in the Aristotelian ›corpus‹. It is interesting above all for its general interpretation of Aristotle's philosophy. For Brentano stands out as a pleasingly paradoxical Aristotelian, an Aristotelian who was thoroughly Anglo-Saxon in his method and thoroughly Thomist in his philosophy. Every Aristotelian will find much to love in these pages.« Jonathan Barnes, Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 49/1988/1
»Professor George's edition of Brentano's Nachgelassene Aufsätze, based on the originals in the Houghton Library at Harvard University, is a careful, scholarly, and thoughtful piece of work. It goes far beyond a mere edition and assumes the status of an independent scholarly contribution because, by annotating Brentano's text with well researched references to Aristotle's works, it gives the reader an introduction to Aristotle's thinking on important controversial topics. One need not be an Aristotelian scholar to appreciate the breadth of knowledge and immense labour required for this task.« Martha Husain, Ancient Philosophy 7, 1988

Über Aristoteles

Nachgelassene Aufsätze

von Franz Brentano, herausgegeben von Rolf George
Den 1905 gefaßten Plan einer Gesamtdarstellung der aristotelischen Lehre brachte Brentano nicht mehr zur Ausführung. Die hier erstmals veröffentlichten Vorarbeiten aus den Jahren 1908 bis 1911 für die Abhandlung „Aristoteles und seine Weltanschauung“ (PhB 303) bieten einen detaillierten Einblick in das Aristoteles-Bild des späten Brentano.