Nanotechnology von Stefan Sepeur | Technical Basics and Applications | ISBN 9783866308411


Technical Basics and Applications

von Stefan Sepeur, Nora Laryea, Stefan Goedicke und Frank Groß
Autor / AutorinStefan Sepeur
Autor / AutorinNora Laryea
Autor / AutorinStefan Goedicke
Autor / AutorinFrank Groß
Buchcover Nanotechnology | Stefan Sepeur | EAN 9783866308411 | ISBN 3-86630-841-8 | ISBN 978-3-86630-841-1


Technical Basics and Applications

von Stefan Sepeur, Nora Laryea, Stefan Goedicke und Frank Groß
Autor / AutorinStefan Sepeur
Autor / AutorinNora Laryea
Autor / AutorinStefan Goedicke
Autor / AutorinFrank Groß
The chemical nanotechnology is one of the special areas of nanotechnology. By varying the composition, shape, size or character of the surface, these nanoparticles can be shaped time and again into small building blocks, resulting in unprecedented scopes for material design. At this moment in time, the developments in the field of modern nanotechnology provide amazing success stories, such as the possibility for reconstructing surface structures for industrial materials that are demonstrated to us in nature.
The reader will receive an overview of coatings systems based on the application of chemical nanotechnology. Practitioners will be given an introduction to nanostructured coatings and experts will find the account of various silanebased materials useful.