SISI - The Wandering Empress von Nora Rath-Hodann | The Life of Empress Elisabeth of Austria | ISBN 9783950406542

SISI - The Wandering Empress

The Life of Empress Elisabeth of Austria

von Nora Rath-Hodann, illustriert von Anemone Kloos, aus dem Deutschen übersetzt von Julie Sullivan
Buchcover SISI - The Wandering Empress | Nora Rath-Hodann | EAN 9783950406542 | ISBN 3-9504065-4-9 | ISBN 978-3-9504065-4-2
Kinder im Volksschulalter; auch für den Schulunterricht geeignet; Touristen

SISI - The Wandering Empress

The Life of Empress Elisabeth of Austria

von Nora Rath-Hodann, illustriert von Anemone Kloos, aus dem Deutschen übersetzt von Julie Sullivan
Little Julie likes to go to museums. At this one, she hears the story of the beautiful Empress Elisabeth of Austria.
„Do you know why Sisi always looks so young in her photos and portraits, even though she lived to be 60 years old? Did you know that she was one of the best riders of her time and even had a tattoo?“
The life story of the famous Sisi — retold for kids. With timeline.