Women and Risk von Mara Harvey | Rewriting the Rules | ISBN 9783964765222

Women and Risk

Rewriting the Rules

von Mara Harvey
Buchcover Women and Risk | Mara Harvey | EAN 9783964765222 | ISBN 3-96476-522-8 | ISBN 978-3-96476-522-2

Women and Risk

Rewriting the Rules

von Mara Harvey
Why aren't more women involved in managing money? And why do so many women doubt their own competence in financial decision-making? This essay zeroes in the economic gender gap and examines a root cause of its persistence: women's access to capital. Author Mara Harvey identifies key barriers that must be overcome in order to empower women financially, and she points to concrete steps that women can take in order to assume control of their economic future. Investors, businesses, policymakers, and others can contribute to shaping new norms that will advance equality and inclusion. Harvey calls for a broader notion of „risk“ that will benefit women and men alike, and that will help to promote sustainable and inclusive economic growth.