Educating Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder in China and Finland | ISBN 9789811382031

Educating Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder in China and Finland

herausgegeben von Xiaoyi Hu und Eija Kärnä
Herausgegeben vonXiaoyi Hu
Herausgegeben vonEija Kärnä
Buchcover Educating Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder in China and Finland  | EAN 9789811382031 | ISBN 981-13-8203-4 | ISBN 978-981-13-8203-1

Educating Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder in China and Finland

herausgegeben von Xiaoyi Hu und Eija Kärnä
Herausgegeben vonXiaoyi Hu
Herausgegeben vonEija Kärnä

This book addresses the difficult challenges that children with autism present educators. By comprehensively examining the scientific knowledge underlying educational practices, programs and strategies in China and Finland, it provides valuable information for parents, administrators, researchers, and policy makers.

This book examines the following fundamental issues related to the education of children with autism:
•How children's specific diagnoses should affect educational assessment and planning
•How we can support the families of children with autism
•Features of effective instructional and comprehensive programs and strategies
•How we can better prepare teachers, school staff, professionals and parents when it comes to educating children with autism
•What policies at the national and local levels will best ensure appropriate education, examining strategies and resources needed to address the rights of children with autism to appropriate education