Population Aging and Age-Friendly Transport in China von Pengjun Zhao | ISBN 9789811992438

Population Aging and Age-Friendly Transport in China

von Pengjun Zhao und Jinxin Xie
Autor / AutorinPengjun Zhao
Autor / AutorinJinxin Xie
Buchcover Population Aging and Age-Friendly Transport in China | Pengjun Zhao | EAN 9789811992438 | ISBN 981-19-9243-6 | ISBN 978-981-19-9243-8

Population Aging and Age-Friendly Transport in China

von Pengjun Zhao und Jinxin Xie
Autor / AutorinPengjun Zhao
Autor / AutorinJinxin Xie

This book is the first book that investigates aging and its impacts on transport system in China. Using various data, this book covers, but is not limited to, the development of population aging, the changes of travel demand, the features of travel behavior of China’s elderly, progress and prospect of age-friendly transport in China. The book has international academic novelty in three points. Firstly, it discovers the long-term supply-demand relationship between population aging and transport infrastructure development. Secondly, it finds the changes and factors in travel behavior of the elderly people. Thirdly, it discusses the advantages or disadvantages of age-friendly transport policy. The findings in the book provide fresh evidences for the challenges posed by aging to transport and enhance readers’ existing knowledge of the elderly people’s travel behavior and the related determinants. These findings are helpful for planners and politicians to make age-friendly transport policies and useful for investors and enterprises to supply proper transport services to the elderly people. This book is of great interest to scholars and practitioners interested in transport development, transport policy, social transition, sustainable mobility, urban planning, urban governance and is relevant to China and other developing countries.