Lecture Notes in Analog Electronics von Vančo Litovski | Low Voltage Electronic Components | ISBN 9789811998683

Lecture Notes in Analog Electronics

Low Voltage Electronic Components

von Vančo Litovski
Buchcover Lecture Notes in Analog Electronics | Vančo Litovski | EAN 9789811998683 | ISBN 981-19-9868-X | ISBN 978-981-19-9868-3

Lecture Notes in Analog Electronics

Low Voltage Electronic Components

von Vančo Litovski

The book opens a magic miniature world of electronics to the reader. The book addresses what small means in terms of electronics and what clean means in terms of modern electronic technology. Consequently, the reader understands why the most advanced civilization of the ancient world – the Egyptians – was not capable to do electronics. The book also discusses functionalities of the low-voltage electronic components with the aim to implement them in electronic circuit design. At the same time, it also opens the space of electronic component design to the readers be it discrete or integrated. The book has an introduction section, 11 chapters, an appendix, index, and list of literature. Appendix A discusses a set of solved problems, Appendix B presents SPICE simulation examples, and Appendix C presents component numbering in marketing environment.