Essentials of Pharmacodynamics and Drug Action | ISBN 9789819727766

Essentials of Pharmacodynamics and Drug Action

herausgegeben von Raja Chakraverty, Rajani Mathur und Pranabesh Chakraborty
Herausgegeben vonRaja Chakraverty
Herausgegeben vonRajani Mathur
Herausgegeben vonPranabesh Chakraborty
Buchcover Essentials of Pharmacodynamics and Drug Action  | EAN 9789819727766 | ISBN 981-9727-76-6 | ISBN 978-981-9727-76-6

Essentials of Pharmacodynamics and Drug Action

herausgegeben von Raja Chakraverty, Rajani Mathur und Pranabesh Chakraborty
Herausgegeben vonRaja Chakraverty
Herausgegeben vonRajani Mathur
Herausgegeben vonPranabesh Chakraborty

The book provides a comprehensive exploration of the dynamic field of pharmacology and its fundamental principles. It delves into the intricate interactions between drugs and the human body, focusing on pharmacokinetics, which explains the dynamics of drug actions in the body, and pharmacodynamics, which uncovers the mechanisms through which drugs exert their effects. The book also emphasizes the crucial aspects of therapeutics and gene-based therapy, shedding light on modern approaches to disease treatment. Readers will gain insights into drugs that target the autonomic nervous system, influencing functions beyond voluntary control, and drugs that act on the central nervous system, impacting neurological processes. Additionally, the book examines medications affecting renal and cardiovascular functions, playing a significant role in maintaining homeostasis. Moreover, it explores the realm of drugs influencing gastrointestinal function, essential for digestive health.

Furthermore, the book covers pharmacotherapy for microbial diseases, addressing the challenge of infectious agents and their treatment. It also investigates hormones and hormone antagonists, pivotal in regulating various physiological processes. Lastly, it provides a comprehensive understanding of drugs used for immunomodulation, which plays a crucial role in enhancing or suppressing the immune system.

The book serves as a resource for students, researchers, and healthcare professionals seeking a deep understanding of drug interactions, therapeutic applications, and cutting-edge approaches in pharmacology.