Advances in Nonlinear Dynamics and Control of Mechanical and Physical Systems | Selected Articles from CSNDD 2023; 15–17 May; Marrakesh, Morocco | ISBN 9789819979585

Advances in Nonlinear Dynamics and Control of Mechanical and Physical Systems

Selected Articles from CSNDD 2023; 15–17 May; Marrakesh, Morocco

herausgegeben von Mohamed Belhaq
Buchcover Advances in Nonlinear Dynamics and Control of Mechanical and Physical Systems  | EAN 9789819979585 | ISBN 981-9979-58-7 | ISBN 978-981-9979-58-5

Advances in Nonlinear Dynamics and Control of Mechanical and Physical Systems

Selected Articles from CSNDD 2023; 15–17 May; Marrakesh, Morocco

herausgegeben von Mohamed Belhaq
This book highlights recent advances in nonlinear dynamics and control with applications in mechanics and physics. The book includes selected articles from the 5th Conference on Structural Nonlinear Dynamics and Diagnosis (CSNDD 2023) and presents recent theoretical, experimental and numerical findings covering various topics in nonlinear structural dynamics and diagnosis.  The main topics includes multiple scales dynamics, energy harvesting, dynamics of MEMS, NEMS and AFM, systems with time delay, quasi-periodic oscillations and synchronization, stochastic dynamics, analytical and semi-analytical methods, time series analysis, control  and analysis of switching systems, structural health monitoring, nonlinear vibrations of structures, nonsmouth dynamics, nonlinear phenomena in discrete and continuum systems, dynamic modeling and fault diagnosis, constrained multi-catenary systems, conservative chaotic system, hysteretic structures, and nonlinear PDEs and their dynamics.