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Person Alexander Sachs

Alexander Sachs bei Breitenseher Publisher

Alexander Sachs was born in Cologne in 1984. During his study of medicine at the Medical University of Vienna (2006 – 2012), which he completed in October 2012, he served as a tutor in the project titled “Sono4You – Ultrasound from Students for Students” (Sono4You – Ultraschall von Studenten für Studenten). In March 2010 he was appointed in charge of the student body. Sachs was awarded a prize at the European Congress of Radiology (ECR) 2011 for the best student’s project and presentation. The following year he established workshops at the above mentioned Congress, which is held every year in Vienna. Sachs now has several years of experience in ultrasonography and in teaching students, has conducted more than 200 tutorials, and is conversant with the tips and tricks as well as the knowledge required to assist students in performing ultrasound investigation of the abdomen. Alexander Sachs will soon be embarking on his specialist’s training as a radiologist at the General Hospital of Vienna. As a preliminary step, he served as a tutor for ultrasonography at the “Dreiländertreffen” (Three-Country Meeting) in Davos. Sachs is also a member of the Undergraduate Education Subcommittee of the European Society of Radiology, whose purpose is to improve, monitor, and establish radiology. Alexander Sachs is very glad to present the Student Coach for Ultrasound Investigation of the Abdomen as a book and an e-book.

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