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Person Antonella Ambrosio

Hinweis: Der Name Antonella Ambrosio erscheint bei verschiedenen Verlagen. Es kann sich hierbei um die jeweils selbe Person oder auch um namensgleiche handeln.

Antonella Ambrosio bei Böhlau Verlag

Antonella Ambrosio is a researcher in the Department of Humanities in University «Federico II” in Naples (Italy) where she studies the medieval charters of South of Italy and teaches Palaeography and Diplomatics. She is coordinator of the activities of the monasterium.net project in Southern Italy for the ICARus (International Center for Archival Research) and part of the steering committee of the ENArC project (European Network of Archival Cooperation, EU, Culture Programme 2007-2013).

Antonella Ambrosio bei Böhlau Köln

Antonella Ambrosio is a researcher in the Department of Humanities in University «Federico II” in Naples (Italy) where she studies the medieval charters of South of Italy and teaches Palaeography and Diplomatics. She is coordinator of the activities of the monasterium.net project in Southern Italy for the ICARus (International Center for Archival Research) and part of the steering committee of the ENArC project (European Network of Archival Cooperation, EU, Culture Programme 2007-2013).

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