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Person Daniela Voss

Hinweis: Der Name Daniela Voss erscheint bei verschiedenen Verlagen. Es kann sich hierbei um die jeweils selbe Person oder auch um namensgleiche handeln.

Daniela Voss bei August Verlag

Daniela Voss ist Mitarbeiterin am Institut für Philosophie der Universität Hildesheim.

Daniela Voss bei BoD – Books on Demand

Daniela and Tobias have lived and worked together since 1995. As founders of METALOG, they have jointly designed and published numerous tools. They took great pleasure in selecting, reading, discussing, and editing the case studies for the FieldBook. For them, the process of producing the book was like a time travel through the 20-year corporate history of METALOG training tools. Daniela and Tobias Voss live in Augsburg and Lottano, Italy, and have two grown-up sons.

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