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Person Ken Wilson

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Ken Wilson bei CMV Hagedorn

Ken Wilson, M.D., D.Phil. promovierte an der Universität von Oxford im Fachbereich Philosophie. Zugleich ist er als Mediziner in den USA tätig und arbeitet dort als anerkannter Facharzt im Bereich der Orthopädischen Handchirurgie.

Ken Wilson bei Europa Edizioni srl

Ken Wilson has been writing educational materials for nearly fifty years, and sold more than ten million books before he wrote his first work of fiction. In all, he wrote more than thirty English language teaching titles, including a dozen series of textbooks. His most successful course book series, Smart Choice, published by Oxford University Press, is in its fourth edition and has sold more than six and a half million copies. His first publication was an album of language teaching songs called Mister Monday, released when he was 23, which at the time made him the youngest-ever published ELT author. During his working life, he was also a trainer, conference presenter, theatre director, radio and TV programme writer and audio producer. Until 2002, he was artistic director of the English Teaching Theatre, a company which performed stage-shows for learners of English all over the world. The ETT made more than 250 tours to 55 countries. Five years ago, Ken decided he had written enough English teaching books and embarked on a Creative Writing Master’s degree at Birkbeck College, University of London. He graduated with merit in 2017.

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