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Person Stefanie Nadine Winkler

Hinweis: Der Name Stefanie Nadine Winkler erscheint bei verschiedenen Verlagen. Es kann sich hierbei um die jeweils selbe Person oder auch um namensgleiche handeln.

Stefanie Nadine Winkler bei TU-MV Media Verlag

Stefanie Nadine Winkler studied Technical Mathematics at the Vienna University of Technology (TU Wien). Already in her bachelor curriculum she got involved n modelling and simulation. At master level, she put emphasis on two subjects – modelling methods and system simulation, as well as Blended Learning for modelling and simulation and basic mathematics. The first topic led her to a benchmarking master thesis on Comparative Mathematical Modelling of Groundwater Pollution, where she showed her interest and her abilities in analysing different modelling approaches. The work in E-Learning opened her a door into the TU Wien AKMATH Group, where she organised and executed the introductory mathematic courses for all beginners at TU Wien including managing the E-Learning content team developing interactive online examples for mathematics. After the master thesis, she continued her work as part of the E-Learning group as well as her scientific work in the PhD curriculum. She investigated various approaches for modelling hybrid systems and analysed neural network approaches, which she combined in her PhD on neural net modelling for hybrid systems. Her deep knowledge in the Maplebased Math E-Learning system (Maple-TA/Möbius) resulted in consultancy work at European universities representing Maplesoft Europe and DigitalEd. After her PhD, she left university and started working for the management consulting firm d-fine Austria.

Stefanie Nadine Winkler bei ARGESIM

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