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Person Ulrich Lichtenthaler

Hinweis: Der Name Ulrich Lichtenthaler erscheint bei verschiedenen Verlagen. Es kann sich hierbei um die jeweils selbe Person oder auch um namensgleiche handeln.

Ulrich Lichtenthaler bei Haufe-Lexware

Prof. Dr. Ulrich Lichtenthaler ist Professor für Management und Entrepreneurship an der International School of Management (ISM) in Köln. Als Experte und Entwickler von Management Tools, z.B. der Sustainability Innovation Map, wird er regelmäßig als Keynote Speaker, Trainer, Coach und freiberuflicher Berater gebucht für die Themen Innovation, Nachhaltigkeit, digitale Transformation und Künstliche Intelligenz.

Ulrich Lichtenthaler bei ILI CONSULTING AG

Dr. Ulrich Lichtenthaler is a Senior Consultant at ILI CONSULTING AG. He holds a Ph.D. degree in technology management from WHU – Otto Beisheim School of Management, Germany. He has over ten years of experience in innovation management and strategic management with particular emphasis on major challenges and suitable managerial responses of manufacturing firms in innovation and strategic transformation. He has published multiple books and articles, including contributions to MIT Sloan Management Review and Wall Street Journal, and he has taught executive education courses at leading business schools. His consulting and research currently focus on new business models associated with digitization and connectivity as well as innovation management of firms worldwide, including companies in China.

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