Literature and Weather von Johannes Ungelenk | Shakespeare - Goethe - Zola | ISBN 9783110560985

Literature and Weather

Shakespeare - Goethe - Zola

von Johannes Ungelenk
Buchcover Literature and Weather | Johannes Ungelenk | EAN 9783110560985 | ISBN 3-11-056098-4 | ISBN 978-3-11-056098-5

Literature and Weather

Shakespeare - Goethe - Zola

von Johannes Ungelenk
The study explores the surprising affinity of two seemingly remote phenomena: of literature and weather. In three contrasting cultural formations – Shakespeare’s early modern age, Goethe’s enlightened society and Zola’s Second Empire – the weather emerges as an important model for the self-reflection of literature and its creative reinventions as a medium in different epistemic and social circumstances.