Franco von Carlos Collado Seidel | General - Diktator - Mythos | ISBN 9783170215139


General - Diktator - Mythos

von Carlos Collado Seidel
Buchcover Franco | Carlos Collado Seidel | EAN 9783170215139 | ISBN 3-17-021513-2 | ISBN 978-3-17-021513-9
Leseprobe 1
Historiker, Hispanisten, an Biographien und Geschichte interessierte Leser


General - Diktator - Mythos

von Carlos Collado Seidel
Francisco Franco (1892-1975) ruled his country's history with his dictatorship for almost four decades. Since the beginnings of the dictatorship during the Spanish Civil War (1936-1939), „Cuadillo“ has had a controversial personality. Whilst he represents the destruction of a civil-democratic order, cruel repression and a division of society for decades, others see him as a considerate and intelligent person acting for the good of the people. The impression at hand explores General Franco's biography in light of current research and debates surrounding his character.