Spain, Portugal, and Great Britain: Notes on a Shared History | ISBN 9783631855713

Spain, Portugal, and Great Britain: Notes on a Shared History

Band herausgegeben vonCarlos Menéndez Otero
Band herausgegeben vonRaquel Serrano González
Buchcover Spain, Portugal, and Great Britain: Notes on a Shared History  | EAN 9783631855713 | ISBN 3-631-85571-0 | ISBN 978-3-631-85571-3
Inhaltsverzeichnis 1

Spain, Portugal, and Great Britain: Notes on a Shared History

Band herausgegeben vonCarlos Menéndez Otero
Band herausgegeben vonRaquel Serrano González
British representations of Spain and Portugal have often relied on persistent ideological biases, prejudices, and interpretations. This volume aims to offer a broader, more nuanced outlook on the last five hundred years of Anglo-Iberian relations. The chapters focus on relatively little-known episodes and figures in Anglo-Iberian history and cover a wide temporal span: from the sixteenth to the mid-twentieth century. They aim to look beyond the clichéd dichotomies, received ideas, and normative voices that have often charac-terised mainstream studies. Ultimately, the book seeks to expose and transcend stereotyped narratives emphasising Anglo-Spanish acrimony and contribute to mutual understanding.