Academic Culture von Zbigniew Drozdowicz | Traditions and the Present Days | ISBN 9783631855720

Academic Culture

Traditions and the Present Days

von Zbigniew Drozdowicz
Buchcover Academic Culture | Zbigniew Drozdowicz | EAN 9783631855720 | ISBN 3-631-85572-9 | ISBN 978-3-631-85572-0

Academic Culture

Traditions and the Present Days

von Zbigniew Drozdowicz

The author of this book formulates a general thesis that in the academic culture, since the emergence of the first universities until this very day, two types of that culture have competed with each other, i. e., a corporate and templar one. In his remarks, the author tries to highlight it through the presentation of:

1. The functioning of academia in different time periods, 2. The beliefs of scholars, 3. The ways scholarly achievements have been evaluated, 4. The legal acts for science and academia. A considerable part of this study is devoted to the analysis of the Polish academic culture, including the attempts of adjusting the existing standards of conducting research and educating students to the ones prevailing in the leading Western countries.