Bacteria, Complement and the Phagocytic Cell | ISBN 9783642857201

Bacteria, Complement and the Phagocytic Cell

herausgegeben von Felipe C. Cabello und Carla Pruzzo
Herausgegeben vonFelipe C. Cabello
Herausgegeben vonCarla Pruzzo
Buchcover Bacteria, Complement and the Phagocytic Cell  | EAN 9783642857201 | ISBN 3-642-85720-5 | ISBN 978-3-642-85720-1

Bacteria, Complement and the Phagocytic Cell

herausgegeben von Felipe C. Cabello und Carla Pruzzo
Herausgegeben vonFelipe C. Cabello
Herausgegeben vonCarla Pruzzo
Phagocytic cells and complement are probably the most important components of host defense against bacteria which, after overcoming the mucosal and epithelial barriers, multiply in the subepithelial tissue and may threaten to disseminate and invade the blood stream and different organs. Questions concerning the factors which regulate the interactions of the bacterial cell with host defenses are a challenge to research and lead to practical applications for the prevention, treatment and diagnosis of infectious diseases. The questions of expression and regulation of virulence related bacterial genes and gene products, the specific mechanisms of defence reactions by complement and phagocytic cells, their mutual interactions with bacteria and especially bacterial surfaces are focused. Considerations on how to translate this knowledge into the management of infectious diseases are also included.