Conversion of Azo Dyes by a Redox Mediator Dependent Mechanism which i s Linked to the Naphthalenesulfonate Degradation of Sphingomonas sp. S train BN6 von Andreas Keck | ISBN 9783861863076

Conversion of Azo Dyes by a Redox Mediator Dependent Mechanism which i s Linked to the Naphthalenesulfonate Degradation of Sphingomonas sp. S train BN6

von Andreas Keck
Buchcover Conversion of Azo Dyes by a Redox Mediator Dependent Mechanism which i s Linked to the Naphthalenesulfonate Degradation of Sphingomonas sp. S train BN6 | Andreas Keck | EAN 9783861863076 | ISBN 3-86186-307-3 | ISBN 978-3-86186-307-6

Conversion of Azo Dyes by a Redox Mediator Dependent Mechanism which i s Linked to the Naphthalenesulfonate Degradation of Sphingomonas sp. S train BN6

von Andreas Keck